Pre-school education IJsselstein
Preschool Education means that your child goes to a preschool group where extra attention is paid to your child's language development.
The first years are important for your child's development. They learn so much, like talking. They learn this by listening, singing and playing together.
Does your child have a possible delay in language and speech development? Then he or she can go to a toddler group where extra language development with your child is sltimulated.
Go to preschool
Preschool Education means that your child goes to a preschool group where extra attention is paid to your child's language development.
How does registration work?
- Your child has received a referral from the consultation office.
- The preschool coordinator will contact you to register your child for the pre-school education.
- You can choose at which location you want to register your child. The VE coordinator will check with you where there is room.
- If your child is older than 2.5 years, you will be called for an introduction meeting.
Parent contribution
Pre-school education at the toddler care is 16 hours per week, divided over 3 or 4 dayparts. Pre-school education costs money, but the municipality contributes. You pay an income-related parental contribution for the first 8 hours. The municipality pays for the second 8 hours of childcare.
It depends on your income how much parental contribution you pay each month. You may also receive money from the Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst) for pre-school education. You have to apply for an allowance at the Tax and Customs Administration. The childcare organization can give you more information about this.
What can you do to help your child?
When you work together, your child learns faster. Therefore it is important that you practice at home and play with your child. Repetition is very important in learning a language. You can repeat at home what they learn at pre-school. By practicing at home and at the pre-school, your child will remember everything better. There is a greater chance that your child will have a good start at primary school.
At the toddler care you can talk about how you can practice with your child at home. Three months after the start of your child at the VE, we tell you during a home visit what you can do to stimulate language.